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Wednesday, December 31, 2008

Hotel visit rescheduled

Reg & I are going to see the Newport Marriott on 1/7/09, weather permitting. The previous hotel visit was cancelled due to snow. Hopefully, this meeting will take place and we will have some news to report. Sue

Friday, December 12, 2008

Agenda- 2nd Planning Mtg. 1/23/09

NAHSL 2010 Planning Committee Meeting
Date: 1/23/09 Place: Kent Hospital- Trowbridge Building, Room 103
Time: 2:00-5:00pm

1. Conference Chair’s Report: Susan Warthman, Chair-
· Need Secretary to take minutes.
· Future Meetings- February and April (Skip March). Ask for day preferences and morning or afternoons.
· Review Theme/Slogan- “Preserving Our Past Conserving/(Sustaining?) Our Future.” Group will discuss and finalize.
· Committee Update- Sue will mention Fred (hospitality), Robin (registration or hospitality), Joyce (registration) and Nancy (registration) will help out with hospitality, registration or both.
· Hand out 2007 NAHSL Conference Manual- ask who would like copies of any section. Scanned or delivered through LORI.
· Blog- Development of blog and use of blog.
2. Co-Chair’s Report: Regina Swanson, Co-Chair- Reg will discuss the hotel site visit on 12/19/08 and the contract.
3. Hospitality Committee & Local Arrangements: Fred Brown, Chair- Cherine Whitney, Cheryl Banick, Janet Crager-
· Reception Options- Janet will talk about the availability of Ochre Court.
· Sue will talk about other options such as staying at the hotel or going off-site to places such as the American Museum of Illustration.
4. Programming Committee: Barbara Davis, Chair- Sue passed along ideas for speakers to Barbara. Send all leads or prospects to Barbara. Barbara’s report.
5. Financial Officer: Mary Ann Slocomb, Chair- Mary Ann will discuss the budget for 2010 and procedures for submitting check reimbursements.
6. Registration Committee: Mary Beth Edwards, Chair- Joyce Boyd, & Nancy Ross
· Discuss choices for welcome gifts. Finalize at the next meeting.
. Mention 2009 planning committee will recycle plastic badge holders for our use in 2010.
7. Publicity Committee: Need volunteers. Who would like to work on the logo? We need to start collecting RI & Newport information for our table at NAHSL 2009. Who would like to coordinate this effort?
8. Scholarship Committee: Pat Padula, Chair- Absent. No report.
9. Exhibits/Sponsorship Committee: Jeannine Gluck, Chair-
10. Web Site: Penny Glassman, Chair- Penny’s report on list serv information.
11. Evaluation Committee: Nancy Ross, Chair- Bill Anger
12. Continuing Education: Pat Gorman, Chair- Arline Dyer & Janet Crager - Pat’s report on NAHSL continuing education classes for 2009.
13. Other:

SAVE THE DATE- 2nd Planning Meeting

Friday, January 23, 2009 in the Trowbridge Building (Green building next
to Emergency Dept) Room 103 at Kent Hospital.
2:00 to 5:00pm

Decisions made at the 1st Planning Meeting

Hello, It was decided that the planning committee for NAHSL 2010 will stay in Sue's closet and hibernate for two years with her cat, Suki. (Everyone except Mary Ann who is allergic.)

Seriously, the consensus was agreed upon that the conference will be held in Newport, RI. The Marriott Hotel is seriously being considered as the conference site, pending negotiations. Reggi & I will meet with Donna Wickstrand from Conference Hotels Unlimited and Ryan Larkin, Sales Manager of Marriott Newport to discuss the contract. We will also discuss options of where to have the welcome reception. If anyone else is interested in joining this site visit and meeting, please email Sue.

Various slogans were offered to go along with the "Green" theme, such as "Saving the/your Green $," "Keeping it Green for a Healthy Future", "Keep it Healthy, Keep it Green" and "Preserving our Past, Conserving our Future." We felt the last slogan," Preserving our Past, Conserving our Future," is broad enough to stretch and use for continuing education classes, speakers and keynote speeches.

As it stands now, the development of committees is as follows:
Program - Barbara Davis
Hospitality/ Local Arrangements - Pat Padula, Cherine Whitney, and Cheryl Bannick
Registration - Mary Beth Edwards
Exhibits/Sponsorship - Jeannine Gluck
Evaluation - Nancy Ross & Bill Anger
Financial Officer - Mary Ann Slocomb
Web Site - Penny Glassman
Continuing Education - Pat Gorman & Arline Dyer
Publicity/ Signage - ?
Hotel Liaison - ?
Scholarship - ?
A/V Coordinator - ?

As you know, the success of each committee and of the conference is dependent upon those who are willing to work together and make it a success. I urge all of you on this list serve to start contemplating how you will contribute and help make this the best conference ever. If you have ideas for speakers (or anything else), please let Barbara or myself know.

The next planning meeting will be in January at a location, date and time to be determined. We welcome you to join us. Bring your ideas and your enthusiasm.

Sue & Reg